Hot Fixes
Some QT apps theming is broken after recent system update.
If theming appears to be broken on apps that use QT5, remove the package “qgnomeplatform-qt5” but leave “qgnomeplatform-qt6” installed. QT6 apps seem to work very well with qgnomeplatform-qt6, but qgnomeplatform-qt5 not so much. It is better to just use QT5 Settings for QT5 apps.
Install the following packages if not already installed:
- qt5ct
- breeze-icons
- adwaita-qt5
In your home directory, make sure you have a .profile
file. If it is not there, just create it and add the following, if it already exists, just add it to the top of the file.
From the DeLinuxCo Menu search for QT5 Settings,
Set the settings to the different tabs as in the images below:

You may have to logout or restart for the .profile to take effect.
Shutter crashes when “right click” is used on screenshot image.
2023-June 21
Shutter 99.3/99.4 has an issue where “right click” on screenshot image will crash Shutter. The fix is in perl-glib-object-introspection library, version 0.050-2 . If it is not in the repo yet, you may manually install it by downloading directly from Arch Linux – Extra Mirror.
GTK apps take almost 60 seconds to start after system update!
2023-June 15
There is an issue with xdg-desktop-portal-gnome 44.1 upgraded from 43.1 causing GTK apps to take a long time to load, apps such as Firefox or Libreoffice.
Current workaround is to downgrade back to 43.1 and set “xdg-desktop-portal-gnome” to ignore updates.
Open Add/Remove Software (pamac) > Preferences > Avanced
tab and click the + sign at the bottom to add “xdg-desktop-portal-gnome” to the ignored upgrades list.
For more details, read here:
If you already updated to 44.1, uninstall the package and manually install 43.1, there should be a copy of it in your /var/cache/pacman/pkg/
if not you can download a copy here:
Cinnamon Desktop Backgrounds Settings missing thumbnails
With the latest Cinnamon Desktop update to 5.8.4, an issue with the Background Settings emerged, where thumbnails will not show up in the settings panel.
The issue has been fixed and now we just have to wait for the fix to be pushed out. Fix 11746
In the meantime, you can change the backgrounds using Nemo file manager, just open Nemo and navigate to /usr/share/backgrounds/delinuxco
, right click on the image you would like to use on the Desktop and “Set as Wallpaper”